Monday, 17 December 2012

Forgetting Sarah Marshall

There is a little group of American comedians who often get together and make a hilarious film. Forgetting Sarah Marshall is one of those films where these comedy actors pop up. And in this case, the star of the show is the hilarious Jason Segel. As the writer and the lead actor he is absolutely dazzling as the love lorn Peter.

I think that Jason Segel is a genius. The whole plot of this story is an incredibly relatable scenario, where you break up with a girlfriend and the world seems to end. You seem to run into this person wherever you go and they seem to move on far too fast, and every contact you have with another woman seems to go disastrously. However, this film takes every situation and makes it extreme. This couple work on the same show and seem very happy, until she decides to break up with him. This causes him to go down into a pit of despair, and eventually he decides to take a holiday to Hawaii. And naturally, Sarah Marshall is there as well with her new boyfriend.

Jason Segel puts in a performance which enhances the emotions of everyone who has ever been through a break up. And he throws himself totally into the role he has created for himself. It is reported that the fantastic Dracula musical we see in the film was already being written by Segel before the film was made, and I think that it's inclusion in the film is a real shame. I would willingly pay good money to see this musical by itself, rather than as a sub-part of an already hilarious film. The song that accompanies the Dracula musical is incredibly catchy, and this too is written by Segel.

The lothario new boyfriend that has 'stolen' Sarah is played expertly by Russell Brand. It seems his personality is entirely suited to the role, and he portrays it perfectly. I really liked his character, and I don't think I was alone in this. As for Sarah Marshall herself, Kristen Bell is delightfully dislikable, as every ex-girlfriend should be. Mila Kunis is also very enjoyable to watch, for a number of reasons, mainly because the chemistry between her and Segel is so very quirky. The audience is really rooting for this relationship, and the scene where they both jump off the cliff is an example of this.

Jonah Hill and Paul Rudd also make appearances, and as ever, are both absolutely hilarious. Paul Rudd's "You sound like you're fron Laaaandaaaan" is the standard quote from this film, and coming from London myself, I have been told this on a number of occasions. The partnership between Hill and Brand is brilliant, with Hill being a superfan of Russell Brand's character, and the two have starred in a couple of films since.

Forgetting Sarah Marshall is a delightful comedy that I personally have watched many many times. Every time I watch it, I like it that little bit more. Everyone can relate to the situation in this film, and that is why it is so good. It's a simple idea, taken to an extreme, and pulled off spectacularly. It's one of my favourite comedy films, and I have recommended it to several people, who have all enjoyed it too. It's got everything: a top cast, good quotes, amusing situations, and fantastic scriptwriting. I would strongly recommend that if you haven't seen it, go and see it as soon as possible.

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